Saturday, September 14, 2013

Review: PeopleKeys Student Binder

PeopleKeys is a company that produces material to help people unlock their potential.  We were recently asked to review their StudentKeys Student Binder, which contains 6 different assessments that reveal different traits about your student.  It is recommended for ages 13+.

The 6 workbooks included in the binder are:
  • The Personality Style Workbook:  This workbook uses the DISC system of personality style analysis.  "D" measures how a person solves problems, "I" measures how a person attempts to influence others, "S" measures how a person responds to change, and "C" measures how a person responds to rules.  After the student takes the test, the workbook provides information on each personality style, including detailed overviews and how they approach tasks.

  • The Perceptual Learning Style Workbook:  This workbook helps the student figure out their learning style:  auditory, visual, or kinesthetic.  By knowing the way you learn best, you can use your strengths to learn more easily.  For each style there are tips to enhance learning during lectures, when studying, and while taking tests.  The workbook ends with a questionnaire that helps the student design a productive learning environment.

  • The Cognitive Thinking Style Workbook:  This workbook uses the acronym LITE to describe thinking skills.  "L" represents literal thinkers, "I" represents intuitive thinkers, "T" represents theoretical thinkers, and "E" represents experiential thinkers.  Knowing how information is processed allows students to maximize their study time.  In addition to explaining the different types of thinking styles, there are suggestions on how to improve learning for each type.

  • The Values Style Workbook:  This workbook helps students to understand their value system and why they might respond to situations certain ways.  The four value styles described in this workbook are Loyalty, Equality, Personal Freedom, and Justice.  A portion of the workbook is dedicated to understand and communicating with people who hold a different value system than you do.

  • The Career Choice Workbook:  This workbook refers back to the student's personality style.  There are lists of different career choices for each personality type.

  • The Goal Setting Workbook:  This workbook is a fill in the blank workbook.  It guides the student through setting goals, including career goals, educational goals, leisure goals, and personal goals, and helps them prioritize the goals they've set forth, as well as help them decide on a realistic timeline.

I had Ezekiel (13) in mind for this review.  He's had an interest in these types of tests, and to receive 6 in one binder was a great treat.  I liked that the assessments didn't take very long; they ranged from 7 to 15 minutes each, yet they provided interesting insights into his personality.  The Personality, Learning Style and Thinking Style workbooks revealed or reinforced things that we knew or suspected.  While there were no big surprises, I still thought they were worthwhile to have confirmation and further understanding of these three areas.  The Career Choice workbook is very interesting.  We've discussed possible careers with Ezekiel, and this is a fairly extensive listing that will spur further thought and conversation over the years.  The most interesting part of the Values Style workbook was the suggestion on how to interact with those who have a different value style than you do.  The Goal Setting Workbook wasn't very useful for Ezekiel at all.  While it is good to know how to set goals, I think this workbook would be more useful as he approaches the end of high school.
The StudentKeys Student Binder can be purchased for $49, or you can purchase each individual assessment for $13 each.  The information is interesting and can lead to a better understanding of your student.  When you understand your student better, and when your student understands how they function better, learning can be maximized.  For this reason, I'd recommend you check out the offerings from PeopleKeys.

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For more reviews of PeopleKeys, visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew.


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