Saturday, March 14, 2009


M: "Stupid is a really bad word. We shouldn't say it. I didn't actually say stupid, I just said it's a bad word. And because stupid is a bad word, we can't say it. But I didn't say stupid, I just said it's a bad word. Sheesh means you have a bad attitude."


Anonymous said...


Good to know.

Jenn said...


RockerMom said...

My great-nephew did that when he was little... but with a much worse word. Sheesh! ;)

pbajgrow said...

I saw your blog link on a post. After reading that you had 5 boys, I clicked on it. I have 4 kiddos that I homeschool. My kids aren't allowed to say stupid either. They tend to make up their own words instead!

Brandi said...

That sounds like something my Lincoln would say!!! He used to think the word, "also" was a bad word. Well, it sort of sounds like a bad word, ya know. It took forever for him to understand that those 2 words were in no way related!!