Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do You Like Being Homeschooled?

Thanks to a homeschooling message board I visit, I asked each boy this question out of earshot of the others yesterday.

Me: Do you like being homeschooled?
L: Yeah!
Me: Why?
L: Because if I was in school I wouldn't get to play with my brothers all day. And I'd be away from home.

Me: Do you like being homeschooled?
Z: Yeah, because [a friend at Judo] has to go to school and he told me about it and it sounded bad and kids spit on him. And because I think it's a little bit fun and they [the schools] are doing a bad job teaching.

Me: Do you like being homeschooled?
J: Yes, because you're the nicest teacher. And I'd miss you.

Me: Do you like being homeschooled?
M: No. I mean yes.
Me: Why?
M: Because it's fun. You have math to do....and.....(he ran off)

Me: Do you like being homeschooled?
N: I don't wanna go to preschool [at co-op]. I want cake.


Goodin said...

Does it get any better than THAT?!?! =)

Congrats, Co. You're doing a great job.

From your friend.

Jenn said...

Awwww! How sweet!

Hilarious about the math.

I'm curious about quizzing mine now.