Monday, February 12, 2007

No Identity Crisis Here

M is always the first boy up. He normally wakes up and thumps down the stairs on his bottom yelling "Ma! Ma! I want juice!" (or chocolate milk, depending on his mood).

This morning I poured him his chocolate milk and went to the computer to check email. He came up and started pushing me in the knees and grumbling about something (it really is amazing what I've learned to tune out over the last 7 years of being a mom of boys). He finally got my attention with a rather hard wallop. I realized he was summoning me to sit in the recliner so he could "sid in [my] wap".

As I was holding him in the recliner, I told him "M, you're incredible." He responded, quite offended, with "Ma, I NOT Mr. Incredible. I Curious George!".

At least he knows who he is.

My Mom pointed out in the post below that in the Title I called M the Monkey, but then only referred to him in the post as the Peanut. To eliminate any possible confusion, M is known as both the Monkey and the Peanut.

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