
Saturday, December 22, 2007


The price of apple juice recently increased at Walmart (from $0.88 a can to $1.12 in a week). I've been aware for quite some time that J & M have been drinking too much juice but I haven't had the energy to switch them over to the same juice plan that L & Z are on. Instead of unlimited juice, this plan has them having a glass of milk with breakfast and a glass of juice with lunch and dinner. They are free to have as much water as they'd like in between. While I was sure that switching J & M over to this plan would involve much weeping and gnashing of teeth as they adjusted to drinking water, the increased cost was enough to spur me on. J has handled it pretty well. If he complains, I mention that if there is any more complaining he'll lose his cup of juice at the next meal. M has not been as easy.

He's told me that juice is good for his throat and water is bad for his throat.

He follows me around, and instead of asking for juice he informs me repeatedly how much he doesn't like water. And of how thirsty he is.

But the kicker was his prayer at lunchtime. In addition to thanking God for Mommy and Daddy and food and his brothers and a bunch of stuff that we couldn't decipher, he ended his prayer with this:

"And please help me to get more juice. Amen."


  1. LOL, love his prayer!

  2. Kids are a stitch, aren't they?

    Just perusing your blog since you linked to it from the WTM boards. Hope you don't mind.

    FWIW, watching a friend of mine in the same sort of juice struggle with her kids spurred me on to never allow my kids more than four ounces a day. My oldest - difficult about everything - never fights me much because "only once a day" has always been the rule.

    Now, if only I could get him to drink less chocolate milk...

  3. Well, instead of juice or water, do you think it would help if you offered Pepsi or Sprite?

    I am kidding!!!

    Fwiw, I don't even buy juice.

    I make up for this by introducing them to sugar sweetened ice tea as early as possible. This is the south, you know, and we do have our traditions to uphold.
