
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yes, This Is a New Post

While on the phone with my mom the other day, she told me I needed to write a new post. "The last post was in July" she said. With all of J's medical testing, I've been trying to stay busy with non-thinking tasks, and believe it or not, I think when I post here.

Turns out one of my favorite tasks when trying not to think is painting. I spent 4 days a couple of weeks ago painting our main level and both of the boys' bedrooms. I spent Tuesday and yesterday painting the basement.

On Saturday, Cr told me we should put the ugliest, most sturdy couch ever made on the back patio. I reminded him we'd need the bed for when his parents come at the end of the month. He said he knew that, but that putting it out back would force us to get a new couch for upstairs. I told him that if that was his only reason, we should just go look at couches that afternoon. He said nothing.

He took Z and went to a landscaping place, which happens to be near the furniture store. He and Z stopped in and looked at couches. When he got home, he told me to go and take pictures of any I liked. So J & I went to the store and I photographed half a dozen couches. We came home and Cr & I looked at the pictures and decided on our top contender. We all went back to the store and sat on the couch together, and purchased it & the loveseat. And they had the coffee & end tables in stock we wanted, so we went ahead and got those.

This was much more efficient than the last time we bought a couch & loveseat. It was during our honeymoon week. We could agree on nothing. He liked short arms, I liked tall arms; he liked formal fabric, I liked casual fabric. It wasn't a pretty scene, but it was our first real lesson in compromise and we ended up with a set we've liked for 10 years. This set will go in the basement now-the loveseat will go in the playroom and the couch will go in the school room.

I'm so excited! They're due to be delivered on Saturday. I'll take pictures when everything is in place.


  1. Yes, I'd been patiently waiting for a new post, too. And you did not disappoint ~ two in one day!

    I've never in my life heard of such a smooth furniture purchase where both spouses were involved. Kudos!

    I look forward to seeing your "new house."

  2. couch on the back patio?

    You'd so never fit in here. *sigh*
